Google Ads

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a pay-per-click advertising platform owned and operated by Google. It is also the largest and most widely used online advertising network in the world, and millions of businesses use Google Ads to reach new customers and reach their sales, marketing, and revenue goals.

Advertisers who choose to use Google Ads can target users across multiple networks.

  • Search ads: On the Search Network, advertisers create text ads that target keywords, the words and phrases people search on Google. This gives them the opportunity to appear in Search results when their customers have the highest intent to engage or buy. While it is just one type of PPC advertising, Search ads are often what people are referring to when they use this term. It is also known as paid search.
  • Display ads: The Display Network offers advertisers the option of placing visual banner-style advertisements on websites that are part of the Display Network. The Google Display Network reaches approximately 90% of global internet users, a vast potential audience. When it comes to Search vs Display, they’re ultimately best when used together.

how to use google ads - search network vs display network


  • Shopping ads: With Shopping campaigns, you connect a detailed product feed to your account and Google will display your products that match to searches on Google Search, the Google Shopping tab, as well as other placements across the Google Shopping network. Viewers can buy directly from the ad or click through to the product page.
  • YouTube ads: Since Google owns YouTube, you can also use Google Ads to create video or display ads that appear on YouTube videos and search results. Learn more in our complete guide to YouTube advertising.

Each ad type offers its own set of benefits and can help hit different objectives. And within these networks, there are different campaign types, placements, formats, and more. There are even campaign types that allow you to advertise across multiple networks at once.

how to advertise on google - benefits of google ad types


Why use Google Ads?

PPC in general offers many benefits to business, but Google Ads has extra advantages.

  • Fast results: While SEO is essential for any business, it takes time for your content to rank. PPC ads, on the other hand, can start appearing as soon as your campaign is set live.
  • Data and insights: The data you collect in your campaigns allows you to make optimizations to maximize your budget as well as to gain invaluable customer insights.
  • Full funnel-friendly: Between Search, Display, Shopping, and YouTube ads, and the targeting capabilities, you can use Google Ads throughout every step of your funnel.
  • High ROI: With the way Google Ads works, PPC is considered one of the highest ROI channels to marketers and advertisers, earning an average of $2 for every $1 spent.